Friday, 15 February 2013

The Doctor enters the Third Dimension

Doctor Who coming to UK theatres in a special 3D episode

Geronimo! To celebrate the 50th anniversary of long-running series Doctor Who, a special 3D episode will be airing throughout the UK on television AND cinema, 50 years to the date since the series began.

Current lead writer and executive producer Stephen Moffat is delighted with the event, commenting that "It’s about time. Technology has finally caught up with Doctor Who and your television is now bigger on the inside. A whole new dimension of adventure for the Doctor to explore.”

No information has been revealed yet as to what to expect from the special, or whether or not the special will receive any international form of release. The BBC's controller of drama comissioning Ben Stephenson recently spoke with The Guardian on the subject.
"There will be lots of aliens and daleks and things, or maybe there won't. There are many different things to take into account and we also have a Christmas special after that and it all connects. Or maybe it doesn't. There's lots to work out."
The 3D special is one of the many celebratory events coming this year, along with a 2 hour "docu-film" called Doctor Who: An Adventure In Space And Time. The special 2 hour episode will be based on the creation of the Doctor and his adventures, and will star David Bradley, or as you would all know him Mr.Filch from the Harry Potter movies, as the original Doctor himself William Hartnell. The idea for the episode was developed ten years ago, and reportedly Bradley was always the one to play this part.

The Doctor's adventures will continue on March 30th this year, with the second half of series seven airing the next eight episodes.

-Welsh 15/02/13


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